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What Is Reparenting?

I’m a Reparenting coach which means I help people learn to parent themselves. I guide people to hold themselves in a loving and compassionate way so they feel capable of achieving anything. 


Reparenting has ancient roots (read this post to find out more). It allows you to break free of your limitations. Something we all have in common is the experience of being parented. Our upbringing is also heavily shaped by the culture we grew up in. These two factors shape who we become and what we believe to be true about ourselves and the world.


I use Reparenting as the bedrock to my work because it can not only help you identify these elements but radically transform them. It harnesses your own inner wisdom, stopping you looking outside for answers so you can fully trust yourself. It can help you to decondition some of the outdated values we pick up in society such as overworking, competitiveness and martyrdom and replace them with more matriarchal values such as support, collaboration and reciprocity. 

Want to try it for yourself?

With Reparenting you can let go of the stickiness you've picked up from your life experience and get back to your innate flow state.


As children we are always in flow. We move in the world as if we can do and be anything we desire. The theta brainwaves of childhood are the same as what we experience as an adult in flow.

The outcome of Reparenting is we return to a more carefree, limitless and playful version of ourselves. We increase our belief in ourselves and our capabilities. We move and flow with life freely and with ease.

Interested to learn more? Listen to the Reparenting podcast below.


Coaching Containers

Are you ready to?

  • Discover a brighter and more authentic version of yourself 

  • Feel safe to explore and transform patterns that are creating stagnancy in your life

  • Understand yourself and develop more self compassion

  • Move towards your dreams and desires

  • Embody tools and strategies to help you in the future

  • Discover keys to access your FLOW and feel trust in your vision for yourself

If you'd like to experience what coaching with Reparenting looks like please set up a FREE 30 minute coaching call below.

"You empowered me with courage, and the knowledge that I have all the answers if I listen to my innate wisdom. You showed me that it's ok to dream and that in doing so, with a pure heart, you can manifest your dreams into reality."

Laura Warby


"Living in flow is living with absolute trust and knowing it's all going to work out. Now I can easily identify when I'm out of alignment, which is super powerful as I can pivot and choose an easy and more joyful life. I am creating the life I want through working with you.”


Lucy Cargill

Coach & Celebrant

Forest Path
Coaching Programmes
  • 6 x 60 min sessions

  • Take away tools to transform mindsets and patterns

  • Pay in full or instalments

  • 6 x 60 min sessions

  • Take away tools to transform mindsets and patterns

  • Pay in full or instalments


  • 3 months - 12 weekly 60min sessions 

  • Access to my signature programme; Flow Alchemy

  • Visioning, strategising and finding alignment through consistent internal & external actions 

  • Using Reparenting to rebirth belief systems 

  • Access to bespoke tools from my programmes to find full alignment

Also possible to pay in instalments


  • 6 months - 25 x weekly 90min group sessions 

  • Full access to me in between sessions - daily accountability via group

  • 1 x 60min 1:1 session

  • Bi-weekly coaching exercises and deep dive personal coaching on topics of your coice

  • Master Reparenting in a group dynamic to find your flow and alignment

Also possible to pay in instalments

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